

What Is a Project Brief and How to Make Yours Fail-Proof

What is a project brief? The document that helps us help you
One of the main purposes of a project brief is to ensure alignment between everyone involved: project stakeholders, project managers, designers, developers, clients. Before commencing the actual project, it’s of crucial importance that everyone is one the same page regarding the main goals, parameters, and project objectives.
How to write a good project brief
Not: “How much does it cost to make an app?” When writing a project brief, these are the five core questions you want to answer: what, why, for whom, when, and how much. What What is it that you want to build? Is it a mobile app, a web app, or maybe both? Is it a platform for an IoT system? Maybe it’s really specific: a mobile application for booking hair styling services built in Flutter. Give us a high-level project overview, as much or as little as you know. And by all means, support it with any links, resources, or other prep work that has been created. Why What problem does your future digital product solve? Don’t worry, we’ll define that in detail during the discovery process, but it’s better for you to think about it beforehand. Knowing why you’re doing what you’re doing will help you make important decisions that await you. Here’s a great example of one of our clients’ why: because people in Africa lack the right tools to manage their finances independently. For whom You need to know your users. Again, we’ll explore that in much more detail later on, but chances are you already have a pretty solid grasp of your target audience. Are they in their 20s or in their 50s? Tech-savvy or not so much? You are (or might be) our client, but the product is not about you, it’s all about them. When What is your projection for when you would like to have a working product out in the world? Are there any strict deadlines to follow? Your when is another important factor in setting up the project because we need to check our teams’ availability. It can also influence your project scope – if you’re really pressed for time, you might be wise to reduce the number of features or just go with the MVP. How much Finances are a sensitive issue people tend to get anxious about, but in this case, our best advice is – don’t be. This is not a poker game. It’s best that you’re upfront with your budget because that allows us to support you in the best way possible within the given limitations. Don’t ask how much it costs, but rather ask us how we can fill your bucket.
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